Software Programming : Database Management QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part10 : 6 to 10
Following Software Programming language Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Software Programming 2024 examinations :
6.A Relational operator that yields all possible pairs of rows from two tables is known as a |
Union |
Intersect |
Difference |
Project |
Product. |
7.Which of the following RAID level is also called a rotating parity array? |
1 |
2 |
5 |
4 |
0. |
8.What storage device can be used to create an index sequential file? |
Direct Access |
Sequential access |
Tape |
Hashed. |
9.Select the incorrect statement describing the keys used in a Relational Data Model. |
A primary key is an attribute that uniquely identifies each row in a relation |
A composite key is a primary key that consists of more than one attribute |
A foreign key can be an attribute in a relation of a database that draws values from the same domain as a primary key of another relation in the same database |
Candidate key is an attribute that uniquely identifies a column in a relation |
One field or combination of fields for which more than one record may have the same combination of values is called the secondary key. |
10.What is the maximum height of a B+-tree of order m with n key values? |
M |
long m/2 n/2 |
long m n |
log n m |
log m/2 (n/2) + 1. |
More Database Management QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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