Computer Networks Interview Questions & Answers: part7

Computer Networks Interview QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part7 : 11 to 15

Following SQL Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many software compnaies written examinations and inteview 2015 :

11.Which one of the following is not true?

multiple hostnames may correspond to a single IP address
a single hostname may correspond to many IP addresses
a single hostname may correspond to a single IP address
none of the mentioned

12.Which one of the following allows client to update their DNS entry as their IP address change?

dynamic DNS
mail transfer agent
authoritative name server
none of the mentioned

13.A DNS client is called

DNS updater
DNS resolver
DNS handler
none of the mentioned

14.The right to use a domain name is delegated by domain name registers which are accredited by

internet architecture board
internet society
internet research task force
internet corporation for assigned names and numbers

More Computer Networks Interview QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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