Mechanical Engineering Questions And Answers :: Thermodynamics: part5

Mechanical Engineering : Thermodynamics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part5 : 6 to 10

Following Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

6.If heat be exchanged in a reversible manner, which of the following property of the working substance will change accordingly

internal energy
all of the above.

7.Carnot cycle efficiency depends upon

properties of the medium/substance used
condition of engine
working condition
temperature range of operation
effectiveness of insulating material around the engine.

8.The door of a running refrigerator inside a room was left open. Which of the following statements is correct?

The room will be cooled to the temperature inside the refrigerator.
The room will be cooled very slightly.
The room will be gradually warmed up.
The temperature of the air in room will remain unaffected.
any one of above is possible depending on the capacity.

9.Kelvin Planck's law deals with

conservation of heat
conservation of work
conversion of heat into work
conversion fo work into heat
conservation of mass.

10.The unit of universal gas constant is

none of the above.

More Thermodynamics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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