Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Statement and Conclusion: part2

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Statement and Conclusion QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 1 to 5

1. Statement : 1. Shyam is not the father of Hari. 2. Hari is the son of Suresh. 3. Suresh has three sons.Conclusions :

Shyam is the son of Suresh.
Hari is the brother of Shyam.
Suresh is the father of Hari.
Shyam has no children.
opt 5

2. Statement : 1. None but the rich can afford air travel. 2. Some of those who travel by air become sick. 3. Some of those who become sick require treatment.Conclusions :

All the rich persons travel by air.
Those who travel by air become sick.
All the rich persons become sick.
All those who travel by air are rich.
opt 5

3. Statement : 1. Only students can participate in the race. 2. Some participants in the race are females. 3. All female participants in the race are invited for coaching.Conclusions :

All participants in the race are invited for coaching
All participants in the race are males.
All students are invited for coaching.
All the participants in the race are students.
opt 5

More Statement and Conclusion QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.- Vidal Sassoon