Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Statement And Assumption: part1

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Statement And Assumption Questions and Answers

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Statement And Assumption QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 46 to 50

Directions for Q: In each of the questions below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give your answer as
Opt 1 if only assumption I is implicit
Opt 2 if only assumption II is implicit
Opt 3 if either I or II is implicit
Opt 4 if neither I nor II is implicit
Opt 5 if both I and II are implicit

46. Statement : Be humble even after gaining victory.Assumptions : I. Many people are humble after gaining victory. II. Generally people are not humble.

if only assumption I is implicit
if only assumption II is implicit
if either I or II is implicit
if neither I nor II is implicit
if both I and II are implicit

47. Statement : The income tax rules need to be amended so that there is more incentive for the people to declare their actual wealth.Assumptions : I. The income tax rules are not proper. II. Some people do not declare their actual wealth.

if only assumption I is implicit
if only assumption II is implicit
if either I or II is implicit
if neither I nor II is implicit
if both I and II are implicit

48. Statement : No budgetary provision for the purpose of appointing additional faculty would be made in the context of Institute’s changed financial priorities.Assumptions : I. Appointment of faculty requires funds. II. There are areas other than appointment of faculty which require more financial attention.

if only assumption I is implicit
if only assumption II is implicit
if either I or II is implicit
if neither I nor II is implicit
if both I and II are implicit

49. Statement : Interview conducted for selecting people for jobs should measure personality characteristics of the candidates.Assumptions : I. Performance on the job depends on personality characteristics. II. Personality characteristics can be measured in the interview.

if only assumption I is implicit
if only assumption II is implicit
if either I or II is implicit
if neither I nor II is implicit
if both I and II are implicit

50. Statement : If children are to manage our world in future, then they need to be equipped to do so.Assumptions : I. The world has always educated children. II. It is possible to educate children.

if only assumption I is implicit
if only assumption II is implicit
if either I or II is implicit
if neither I nor II is implicit
if both I and II are implicit

More Logical Reasoning Statement And Assumption QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Edison