Weather And Climate Questions & Answers: part1

Weather And Climate QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 1 to 5

Following Weather And Climate Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many competitive written examinations and inteview 2017 like SSC exams :

1.Sub tropical high-pressure belt is called ………………

Horse latitudes
Coriolis force
Belt of calm

2.During El Nino period the temperature rises rapidly once in three to eight years along the coast of ………………

Peru and Ecuador
Spain and France
India and Pakistan
China and Japan

3.……………… is an instrument used to measure the atmospheric pressure

Wind vane

4.The difference between maximum and minimum temperature of the day is called …………..

Terrestrial radiation
Diurnal range of temperature
Annual range of temperature

More Weather And Climate QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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