IIT JEE Questions And Answers :: Oscillations And Waves: part3

IIT JEE : Oscillations And Waves QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part3 : 1 to 5

Following IIT JEE Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Maths, Physics and Chemistry 2024 examinations :

1.The force on a body executing SHM is 2 N when the displacement in 3 cm. When the displacement value of its acceleration is

1.2 N
3.33 N
2 N
0.36 N

2.The maximum energy of a body executing SHM of amplitude 2 cm is E. If the same body executes SHM of amplitude 3 cm but same period, the maximum energy will be


3.The pendulum of lengths 121 cm and 100 cm start vibrating. At some instant, the two are in the mean position in the same phase. After how many vibrations of the shorter pendulum, the two will be in the same phase in the mean position ?

10 vibrations
11 vibrations
20 vibrations
21 vibrations

4.A particle executes SHM along a straight line so that its period is 12 s. The time it takes in traversing a distance equal to half its amplitude from its equilibrium position is

6 s
4 s
2 s
1 s

More Oscillations And Waves QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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