IIT JEE Questions And Answers :: Magnetic Effect Of Current And Magnetism: part1

IIT JEE : Magnetic Effect Of Current And Magnetism QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 6 to 10

Following IIT JEE Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Maths, Physics and Chemistry 2024 examinations :

6.A particle having positive charge is released from rest in an electric field acting horizontally and moves under the influence of both electric field and gravity. Which one of the following quantities connected with the charge particles continuously increases with time?

Electric potential energy
Gravitational potential energy
Electrical charge
Kinetic energy

7.A charged particle placed in a uniform magnetic field experiences:

A force in the direction of the field
A force opposite to the direction of the field
A force perpendicular to the direction of the field
No force at all

8.A magnetic field:

always exerts a force on a charged particle
never exerts a force on a charged particle
exerts a force, if the charged particle is moving across the magnetic field lines
exerts a force, if the charged particle is moving along the magnetic field lines

9.If the current is flowing clockwise in a circular coil the direction of lines of force inside the coil is:

towards you
away from you
towards the centre along the radius
away from the centre along the radius

10.A beam of protons is deflected side ways. Could this deflection be caused by:

magnetic field only
electric field only
either electric or magnetic field
both electric and magnetic fields

More Magnetic Effect Of Current And Magnetism QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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