IIT JEE Questions And Answers :: Elasticity: part1

IIT JEE : Elasticity QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 11 to 15

Following IIT JEE Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Maths, Physics and Chemistry 2024 examinations :

11.Which of the following substances has the highest value of the Youngs modulus?


12.A wire is stretched 1 mm by a force of 1 kN. How far would a wire of the same material and length but of four times that diameter be stretched by the same force ?

1 / 2 mm
1 / 4 mm
1 / 8 mm
1 / 16 mm

13.When a rubber cord is stretched, the change in volume with respect to change in its linear dimensions is negligible. The Poisson s ratio for rubber is


14.When a certain weight is suspended from a long uniform wire, its length increases by one cm. If the same weight is suspended from another wire of the same material and length but having a diameter half of the first one, the increase in length will be

0.5 cm
2 cm
4 cm
8 cm

15.Four wires of the same material are stretched by the same load. The dimensions of the wires are as given below. The one which has the maximum elongation is of:

diameter 1 mm and length 1 m
diameter 2 mm and length 2 m
diameter 0.5 mm and length 0.5 m
diameter 3 mm and length 3 m

More Elasticity QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.- Les Brown