IIT JEE Questions And Answers :: Circular Motion Centre Of Mass: part2

IIT JEE : Circular Motion Centre Of Mass QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 6 to 10

Following IIT JEE Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Maths, Physics and Chemistry 2024 examinations :

6.A body crosses the topmost point of a vertical circle with critical speed. What will be its acceleration when the string is horizontal ?


7.A sphere is rolling without slipping on a horizontal plane. The ratio of its rotational kinetic energy and translational kinetic energy is

2 : 3
2 : 5
2 : 7
2 : 9

8.Which of the following is conserved when the torque acting on a system is zero ?

Angular momentum
Angular K.E
Linear momentum

9.If the Earth shrinks to half of the present radius, without any change in mass, then the duration of day and night becomes

24 hours
12 hours
6 hours
3 hours

10.A body rolls down an inclined plane. If its kinetic energy of rotational motion is 40% of its kinetic energy of translation, then the body is

solid sphere
solid disc

More Circular Motion Centre Of Mass QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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