IIT JEE Questions And Answers :: Carboxylic Acids And Their Derivatives: part2

IIT JEE : Carboxylic Acids And Their Derivatives QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 1 to 5

Following IIT JEE Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Maths, Physics and Chemistry 2024 examinations :

1.Which of the following is not a hydroxy acid?

Lactic acid
Tartaric acid
Citric acid
Succinic acid.

2.The percentage of acetic acid in pyroligneous acid is approximately


3.The increasing order of acid strength is correct in

Phenol, Acetic acid, Ethanol, Chloroacetic acid
Acetic acid, Ethanol, Phenol, Chloroacetic acid
Ethanol, Phenol, Acetic acid Chloroacetic acid
Chloroacetic acid, Acetic acid, Ethanol, Phenol.

4.Reduction of esters with sodium and alcohol is referred to as

Bouvealt-Blanc reaction
Mendius reaction
Clemensens reduction
MPV reduction.

5.The number of moles of ethanoyl chloride which produces 10.2 g of ethanoic anhydride on reaction with sodium acetate is

0.51 mol
1.02 mol
0.10 mol
10.2 mol.

More Carboxylic Acids And Their Derivatives QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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