General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Indian Politics: part3

General Knowledge : Indian Politics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part3 : 86 to 90

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

86.Which of the following states has the largest percentage of reserved parliamentary seats ?

Uttar pradesh
Madhya Pradesh

87.The Union Council of Ministers consists of

Prime Minister
Cabinet Ministers
Cabinet Minister and Chief Minister of the States
Cabinet Minister, Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers

88.Which of the following features of the Constitutions of India does not resemble the American Constitution ?

Written Constitution
Federal from of government
Fundamental Rights
Parliamentary form of government

89.The Lok Sabha is called in session for at least how many times in a year ?

Four times

90.The question of disqualification of a member of the State Legislature shall be decided by

The Governor in consultation with the President
The Governor in consultation with the Electioin Commission
State Legislative Council
State Legislative Assembly

More Indian Politics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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