General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Indian Policy: part5

General Knowledge : Indian Policy QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part5 : 86 to 90

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

86.The expression `Grama Sabha� correctly refers to

an Assembly of the older Citizens in a village
the whole population of a village
the electorate for the Panchayat only
the elected members of the Panchayat

87.The strength of the UPSC

is determined by the President from time to time
is determined by the Parliament
has been permanently fixed by the Constitution
was determined by the Presidential Ordinance in 1952

88.The Consolidated Fund of India is a fund in which

all taxes collected by the Union as well as state governments are deposited
all money received by or on behalf of the Government of India is deposited
the Union as well as State Governments make equal contribution to this fund and out of this, all
charged expenses are met

89.Generally the first session of the Parliament starts with an address of the President in which

he makes a survey of the achievements of the Government during the previous year
he makes suggestions to the Government regarding the policy it should follow in the interest of the
he outlines the policy and programme of the Government during the ensuring year

90.What is correctly meant by the expression `State� as defined under the Indian Constitution?

The units of the Indian federation
The Government and Parliament of India
The Government and legislature of each States
The Government and Parliament and the Government and Legislature of each States and all local and

More Indian Policy QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.- Les Brown