General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Indian Policy: part1

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General Knowledge : Indian Policy QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 56 to 60

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

56.Seats in the Lok Sabha are NOT reserved for

Scheduled castes
Scheduled tribes
Scheduled tribes in the Autonomous Districts of Assam

57.Which of the following categories of Fundamental Rights incorporate `Abolitiion of Untouchability?

The Right to religion
The Right to equality
The Right against exploitation
The Right to freedom

58.Which of the following are the matters on which the Indian Parliament has the power to modify provisions of the Constitution by a simple majority? 1. Alteration of names and boundaries of States 2. Appointment of the additional judges 3. Abolition of the second Chamber of the State Legislature 4. Administration of Scheduled Areas Choose correct answer from the code given below:

1, 2 and 3
1, 2 and 4
1, 3 and 4
2, 3 and 4

59.Which one of the following is NOT included in the State List in the Constitution of India?

Law and Order
Criminal Procedure Code

60.Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

Protection of childhood and youth from exploitation � Article 39
Right to work, to education and to public assistance in certain cases � Article 41
Provisions for free and compulsory education for children below 14 years � Article 45
Protection of monuments and places of national importance � Article 48A

More Indian Policy QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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