General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Indian Geography: part4

General Knowledge : Indian Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 21 to 25

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

21.The production of cultured pearls is an important cottage industry of:

West Indies

22.Which one of the following colloidal systems is represented by fog?

Liquid in gas
Gas in liquid
Solid in gas
Liquid in liquid

23.Sugarcane, sugar beet, sweet pea, chickpea, pigeonpea and French bean belong to:

two plant families
three plant families
four plant families
five plant families

24.The axis of rotation of the earth is tilted by 23.5� to the plane of revolution around the Sun. The latitude of Mumbai is less than 23.5� whereas the latitude of Delhi is more than 23.5�. Which one of the following statements in this regard is correct?

The Sun can come overhead at both these places
The Sun will never come overhead at either of these places
At Mumbai, the Sun can come overhead, but it will never do so at Delhi
At Delhi, the Sun can come overhead but it will never do so at Mumbai

25.Sucrose content in sugarcane decreases:

if high rainfall occurs during the period of growth of the plant
if frost occurs during the period of ripening
if there is fluctuation in temperature during the period of growth of the plant
if there is high temperature during the time of ripening

More Indian Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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