General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Indian Geography: part2

General Knowledge : Indian Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 76 to 80

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

76.Though a few (gas-based) industries have already been established good reserves of natural gas in India remain unutilized. This vast resource of natural gas can be used in the production of:

Synthetic petroleum

77.Consider the following statements regarding plantation agriculture and select the correct answer from the codes given below: I. Most tropical plantations are situated in the lowland plains II. Tropical plantations cluster along coasts III. The Amazon Basin has an excellent physical environment for rubber growing but has few workers Codes:

I and II are true
II and III are true
I and III are true
All are true

78.Which one of the following is the best strategy for environment friendly, sustainable development in Indian agriculture?

Expansion of cultivable land, increased use of superphosphate, urea and effect biocides
Wider popularization of high yielding crop varieties, better and more frequent irrigation and
increased frequency of aerial sprays of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides
Mixed cropping, organic manures, nitrogen fixing plants and pest-resistant crop varieties

79.The hallmark of watershed development in the semi arid regions of India is the:

establishment of sheds on large scale, so that the rain water does not evaporate
undertaking of earth works, soil conservation measures and tree plantation, so as to conserve soil
moisture and recharge underground water
drilling deep tube-wells so as to tap water at the rockstrata level

80.The Neyveli thermal power plant is fed by:

Gondwana Coal
Tertiary Coal
Quaternary Coal
Cambrian Coal

More Indian Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. Henry Kravis