General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: History: part1

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General Knowledge : History QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 76 to 80

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

76.Indus Valley Civilization is also known as Harappan culture because

the site of Harappa is six times larger than Mohenjodaro site.
the Indus Valley Civilization is considered the elementary/initial stage of Vedic culture and Harappa is believed to be the same as Harappa mentioned in the Vedas.
Harappa was the first site to be excavated in the Indus Valley.
the most important evidence of the achievements of this civilization have been excavated from Harappa.

77.The Vedic deity Indra was the goddess of

Rain and thunder

78.Man passed from the food gathering stage to the food producing stage in the

Palaeolithic Age
Mesolithic Age
Neolithic Age
Chalcolithic Age

79.Which of the following metals was not known to Indus Valley people ?

None of these

80.Knoweldge about the existence of which of the following animals is doubtful in the Indius Valley Civilization ?


More History QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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