General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Geography: part3

General Knowledge : Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part3 : 36 to 40

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

36.Earthquakes occur frequency in

Estern cost of Asia
Islands of South East Pacific Oecan
Western coast of America
All of the above areas

37.What is Weathering ?

Removal of earths material by river action
Removal of earths material by wind action
Breading up and disintegration of rocks
Hardening up of rocks due to weather conditions

38.The type of sedimentary rocks formed by the deposition by wind are called

Arenaceous rocks
Aeolean rocks
Argillaceous rocks

39.Shield volcanoes refer to

explosive lava eruptions
repeated lava flows
ejection of a wide range of pyroclastic materials
individual lava flows

40.A depression more than one kilometre in diameter caused by the collapse of the centre of a volcano is called

Rift valley

More Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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