General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Geography: part12

General Knowledge : Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part12 : 11 to 15

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

11.The Karakoram Highway conncects which of the following pairs of countries ?

India - Nepal
India - China
China - Nepal
China - Pakistan

12.Nyasaland is now known as


13.Which of the following makes the planet Saturn unique in the solar family ?

It sends out very strong radio signals which sounds like the noise of sea waves
It is the biggest among the planets
There is a well developed system of rings around it.
It shows phases like those of the Earths moon

14.Which of the following regions is sparsely populated ?

South - Western U.S.A.
Island of Java
Western Europe
Southern part of Japan

15.The capital of Georgia is


More Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.- Les Brown