General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Science: part3

General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part3 : 81 to 85

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

81.Superphosphate fertilizer is perpared by the reaction between

Calcium phosphate and Sulphuric hydroxide
Sodium phosphate and Sodium nitrate
Magnesium phosphate and Sodium nitrate
Sodium sulphate and Phosphoric acid

82.Consider the following statements about antigens : 1. They induce the formation of antibodies. 2. They provide immunity. 3. They are formed only within the body.Of these statements, the correct ones are

1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
1, 2 and 3

83.The major ingredient of leather is

nucleic acid

84.In a refrigerator, cooling is produced by

the ice which deposits on the freezer
the sudden expansion of a compressed gas
the evaporation of a volatile liquid
None of these

85.Ball bearings are used to reduce friction by

applying lubricants to the balls used
reducing the area of contact with the use of metallic balls
increasing the area of contact with the use of metallic balls
None of these

More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it!-Jonathan Winters