General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Science: part25

General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part25 : 16 to 20

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

16.A tight-rope walker carries a long pole which he holds across his body. The purpose of his pole is to :

prop him if he falls
spread out his weight and reduce the pressure on the wire
add extra weight to keep the wire tightly stretched
alter the position of the centre of gravity

17.A drop of liquid try to assume a spherical shape because :

the surface of a sphere is maximum for a given volume .
the surface of a sphere is minimum for a given volume.
the intramolecular forces are stong in liquid
the spherical shape provides the best possible balance of intramolecular force within the given volume of liquid.

18.We cannot see during a fog because of :

reflection of light
internal reflection
scattering of light

19.It is not sufficient to bring a piece of ice to its melting point to melt it. An additional amount of heat energy is required to turn such solid into water at the same temperature and such extra amount of heat required is called :

heat of fusion
heat of fission
latent heat of liquidation
heat of transformation

20.Suppose a piece of ice is dropped in a glass of water so that the level of water is on the brim. After melting of ice :

the water level of the glass will fall
the water level will rise and some water will over flow the glass
the water level will remain the same
the fall or rise of water level will depend on the size of the ice-piec.

More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.- Vidal Sassoon