General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part23 : 31 to 35
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :
31.When light passes from air into glass it experiences change in : |
frequency and wavelength |
frequency and speed |
wavelength and speed |
frequency, wavelength and speed |
32.Water kept in an old ""surahi"" is less cold than the water in a new one. Why ? |
The pores in the surahi help in evaporation of water |
The pores in the old surahi become clogged and thus, the total surface area for evaporation is reduced |
Old surahis become saturated with water and hence evaporation is not rapid |
Because of none of the above |
33.Which of the following substance is a bad conductor of electricity but a good conductor of heat ? |
Abestos |
Celluloid |
Purspecks |
Mica |
34.In a barometer, mercury is preferred over water because : |
mercury is a good conductor of heat |
mercury shines and therefore its level can be read easily |
mercury has high density and low vapour pressure |
mercury is available in pure form |
35.The element present in the largest amount in rocks and minerals is : |
carbon |
silicon |
hydrogen |
aluminium |
More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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