General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Science: part2

General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 61 to 65

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

61.Which of the following materials are used for preparing blue - black ink ?

Gallic acid
Tannic acid
Ferrous sulphate
All of these

62.Bagasse, a by - product of sugar manufacturing industry, is used for the production of


63.Which of the following fibres form beads on burning ? 1. Nylon 2. Cotton 3. Silk 4. Terylene

1 and 3
1 and 4
2 and 4
1, 3 and 4

64.Which of the following is used as a filler in rubber tyres ?

Carbon black

65.The location and energy of an electron in an atom can be specified by

atomic mass
atomic number
quantum numbers
None of these

More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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