General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part18 : 76 to 80
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :
76.The quantum theory was first enunciated by : |
Niel Bohr |
Albert Einstein |
Max Planck |
Max Born |
77.Which one of the following metals has the highest density ? |
Gold |
Iron |
Platinum |
Lead |
78.Why does radio perception improve slightly during the night ? |
Unlike the day time, only a few radio stations broadcast during the night. |
The outside noise is reduced very much at night. |
Sunlight affects radio broadcast to some extent. |
The magnetic field of the earth acts with reduced intensity during the night thereby reducing its impact on broadcasts. |
79.Small drops of a liquid are spherical in shape because |
the earth attracts all the particles of the drop equally. |
for a given volume, the surface area of a sphere is maximum. |
the surface energy is maximum for the spherical shape. |
the surface energy is minimum for the spherical shape. |
80.In a pond, a boat is moving. At one place in the middle, the water begins to enter the boat through a hole. At the point, the boat is ready to sink, the water level will |
decrease |
increases |
remain the same |
depend on the structure of the boat |
More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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