General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part17 : 36 to 40
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :
36.Which nutrients are most likely to be affected by food processing and storage ? |
Carbohydrates |
Fats |
Proteins |
Vitamins |
37.An electric motor runs on which principle ? |
Electrical energy can be converted into chemical energy in the presence of magnetic fields. |
A conductor carrying current in the direction perpendicular to the extermal magnetic field feels is force. |
The current flowing through a conductor causes generation of heat that drives the engive. |
Changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force in a conductor. |
38.Which of the following is not a neutral oxide ? |
Carbon monoxide |
Sulphur dioxide |
Nitrous oxide |
Water |
39.Which of the following minerals plays and important role in preventing dental decay ? |
Sodium |
Iodine |
Iron |
Fluorine |
40.Which of the following is not a bone in the human body ? |
Sternum |
Humerus |
Pericardium |
Tibia |
More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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