General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part13 : 61 to 65
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :
61.Why is a cart pushed continuously on the road to keep it in motion with a constant velocity ? |
To accelerate the motion of the cart continuously |
To bring a change in the inertia of the cart |
To balance the force of friction acting on the cart |
To increase the force of friction acting on the cart |
62.Triticale is the first man-made plant to join the rank of cereals and is a remarkable success story in hybridisation. Triticale is a hybrid of |
wheat and corn |
wheat and soyabean |
wheat and rice |
wheat and rye |
63.Which of the following is not obtained from the bark of a tree ? |
Cinnamom |
Quinine |
Bhang |
Tannin |
64.Why are two blankets warmer than one ? |
Two blankets have more wool and hence, provide greater warmth. |
Two blankets enclose air which does not allow the cold to penetrate. |
Two blankets compress the air in between the body and the blankets and this comperession produces heat. |
None of these |
65.A red object when seen through a thick blue glass appears |
green |
violet |
black |
red |
More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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