General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Economics: part3

General Knowledge : Economics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part3 : 81 to 85

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :

81.A re - assessment of the resources of the Centre, States and the Union Territories has reduced the total Public Sector outlay for the Tenth Five Year Plan from Rs. 15,92,300

Rs 14,57,000 crore
Rs. 14,86,200 crores
Rs. 15,25,600 crore
Rs 15,77,100 crores

82.Which of the following gives an accurate measurements of economic development through Five Year Plans ?

Development of education and health services
Development of railways and roadways
Rise in national income and per capita income
Development of industrial towns and industrial estates

83.The period of which of the following plans recorded the lowest annual growth rate of nationl income ?


84.Which of the following are not members of the National Development Council ?

The Prime Minister
The President
Chief Minister of states
Members of the Planning Commission

85.Which of the following Five Year Plans was terminated one year before its completion ?


More Economics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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