General Knowledge : Economics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 16 to 20
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :
16.All revenues received, loans raised and money received in repayments of loans by the Union Government go into |
Contingency Fund of India |
Consolidated Fund of India |
Public Account of India |
None of these |
17.In our country, which of the following affects poverty line the most ? |
Level of prices |
Production quantum |
Per capita income |
Quantum of gold reserve |
18.Which of the following is correct regarding the Gross Domestic Savings in India ? |
Contribution of Household sector is the largest |
Contribution of Government sector is the largest |
Contribution of Coporate sector is the largest |
None of these |
19.A currency whose exchange rate tends to fall because of persistent balance of payment deficit is known as |
Soft Currency |
Hard Currency |
Sinking Currency |
Gold Currency |
20.What was the main purpose of introducing "" Gold Bond Scheme"" in the 1992 - 93 Union budget ? |
To raise money for various Govt. schemes |
To mobilise the idle gold resources of people to supplement official reserves |
To discourage poople to purchase gold from market at a higher cost |
To encourage NRIs to bring more gold in the country |
More Economics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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