General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Current Affairs 2012: part2

General Knowledge : Current Affairs 2012 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 96 to 100

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :

96.For setting up a 0.5 million tonne per annum iron ore nugget plant at the Alloy Steel Plant in which place, did SAIL and Kobe Steel of Japan enter into a MoA in Tokyo in July 2012?


97.Which of the following was adjudged the best university in the country, according to the National Assessment and Accreditation Council?

University of Delhi
Mumbai University
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Madras University

98.The U.N. food agency FAO and the OECD said on 11th July, 2012, that the world farm production must rise by what percent by 2050 to meet the needs of a growing population but this has to happen in a ‘more sustainable way’?

30 per cent
45 per cent
60 per cent
80 per cent

99.Which country, on 29th July, 2012, won the exclusive right to exploit a deep-sea mine in the Indian Ocean that could produce more than $300 million worth of minerals a year?

South Korea

More Current Affairs 2012 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.- Vidal Sassoon