General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Current Affairs 2010: part3

General Knowledge : Current Affairs 2010 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part3 : 46 to 50

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :

46.How much were Indias foreign currency assets on August 6, 2010, according to figures released in the Reserve Bank of Indias weekly statistical supplement recently?

$297.39 billion
$287.356 billion
$261.09 billion
$234.16 billion

47.Tejaswini Sawant was in news for becoming the first Indian woman to win a gold medal in world championship in which sport recently?


48.Patricia Neal, who passed away recently, was known for achievements in which of the following?

Science & Technology

49.Which of the following is not a private sector bank?

Axis Bank
Corporation Bank

50.Which of the following is the objective of Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill passed by both houses of parliament recently?

Gives government powers to impose restrictions on import of goods
Gives government powers to impose restrictions on export of essential commodities
Gives government powers to inspect foreign cargo passing through Indian ports
Gives government powers to provide subsidies to Indian exporters

More Current Affairs 2010 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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