Electricity And Heat QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 1 to 5
Following Electricity And Heat Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many competitive written examinations and inteview 2024 like SSC exams :
1.An electric current flowing through the conductor produces ……………… around it |
heat |
a magnetic field |
a mechanical force |
all the above |
2.Secondary cells …………… |
cannot be recharged |
cannot be reused |
cannot be recharged or reused |
can be recharged and reused |
3.The tungsten filament is used in …………………. |
Electric toaster |
Electric kettle |
Electric bulb |
None of the above |
4.An electric cell converts …………….. |
chemical energy into electrical energy |
mechanical energy into chemical energy |
electrical energy into light energy |
light energy into heat energy |
5.A device that opens or closes an electric circuit is ……………….. |
connecting wire |
switch |
bulb |
none of the above |
More Electricity And Heat QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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