Matter And Its Nature Questions & Answers: part3

Matter And Its Nature QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part3 : 1 to 5

Following Matter And Its Nature Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many competitive written examinations and inteview 2024 like SSC exams :

1.Calcium hydroxide is also called ……………..

Quick lime
Lime stone
Slaked lime

2.What is the common name of Sodium bicarbonate?

Baking soda
Caustic soda
Blue vitriol
Washing soda

3.Proteins are body builders and they contain …………………

amino acids
nucleic acids
fatty acids
organic acids

4.Alkalis ………………

have a sour taste
turn blue litmus into red
turn phenolphthalein pink
turn methyl orange solution pink

5.Which gas is released when dilute acids react with metals ……………….

Carbon dioxide

More Matter And Its Nature QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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