Civil Engineering : Structural Analysis QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 21 to 25
Following Civil Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :
21.Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a force method ? |
slope deflection method |
column analogy method |
moment distribution method |
none of the above |
22.To generate the j th column of the flexibility matrix |
a unit force is applied at coordinate j and the displacements are calculated at all coordinates |
a unit displacement is applied at co-ordinate j and the forces are calculated at all coordinates |
a unit force is applied at coordinate j and the forces are calculated at all coordinates |
a unit displacement is applied at co-ordinate j and the displacements are calculated at all co-ordinates |
23.Which of the following is not the displacement method ? |
Equilibrium method |
Column analogy method |
Moment distribution method |
Kani's method |
24.When a series of wheel loads crosses a simply supported girder, the maximum bending moment under any given wheel load occurs when |
the center of gravity of the load system is midway between the center of span and wheel load under consduration |
the center of span is midway between the center of gravity of the load system and the wheel load under consideration |
the wheel load under consideration is midway between the center of span and the center of gravity of the load system |
none of the above |
25.The deformation of a spring produced by a unit load is called |
stiffness |
flexibility |
influence coefficient |
unit strain |
More Structural Analysis QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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