Civil Engineering Questions And Answers :: Environmental Engineering: part2

Civil Engineering : Environmental Engineering QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 11 to 15

Following Civil Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

11.The settling velocity of a particle in a sedimentation tank increases if

particle size is decreased
the surface area of tank is increased
the depth of tank is decreased
none of the above

12.Percentage of bacterial load that can be removed from water by the process of plain sedimentation is about

10 to 25

13.The dissolved oxygen level in natural unpolluted waters at normal temperature is found to be of the order of

1 mg/litre
10 mg/litre
100 mg/litre
1000 mg/litre

14.For a given discharge, the efficiency of sedimentation tank can be increased by

increasing the depth of tank
decreasing the depth of tank
increasing the surface area of tank
decreasing the surface area of tank

15.As compared to rapid sand filters, slow sand filters give i) slower filtration rate ii) higher filtration rate iii) lesser efficiency in removal of bacteria iv) higher efficiency in removal of bacteria The correct answer is

(i) and (ii)
(ii) and (iii)
(i) and (iv)
(ii) and (iv)

More Environmental Engineering QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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