Civil Engineering Questions And Answers :: Design Of Steel Structures: part4

Civil Engineering : Design Of Steel Structures QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 16 to 20

Following Civil Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

16.Study the following statements. i) Top lateral bracing prevents the sidesway buckling of the chord. ii) Sway bracing keeps the rectangular shape of the bridge cross-section. iii) Sway bracing transfers the load from top of end posts to bearings. The correct answer is

only (i)
both (i) and (ii)
both (i) aad (iii)
all (i), (ii) and (iii)

17.Which of the following conditions is to be satisfied both in elastic and plastic analysis ?

equilibrium condition
yield condition
plastic moment condition
mechanism condition

18.The least dimension in case of a circular column of diameter D is taken as

0.5 D
0.68 D
0.88 D

19.The effect of racking forces is considered in the design of i) lateral braces ii) chord members The correct answer is

only (i)
only (ii)
both (i) and (ii)
none of the above

20.As per IS:800, in the plastic design, which of the following pairs are correctly matched? Working Loads Load factor (i) Dead load 1.7 (ii) Dead Load + imposed load 1.7 (iii) Dead load + load due to wind or 1.3 seismic forces (iv) Dead load + imposed load + load 1.7 due to wind or seismic forces Of these statements

(i) and (ii) are correct
(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(ii) and (iii) are correct
only (i) is correct

More Design Of Steel Structures QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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