Zoology Questions And Answers :: Genetics Sex Determination: part1

Basic Science : Genetics Sex Determination QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 16 to 20

Following Basic Science multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many types of 2024 job and other entrance examinations :

16.In which of the following, similar type of sex determination occurs

Man and birds
Birds and insects
Drosophila and honey bee
Man and Drosophila

17.The genic balance mechanism was first studied in

Honey bee

18.In Bonellia, the larvae reared in sea water along with female worms develop into

Super males
Super females

19.Which chromosomes has no role in the sex determination in Drosophila

Both 1 and 2

20.In Drosophila, sex is determined by the radio of

X-chromosome to autosome
Y-chromosome to autosome
Autosome to X-chromosome
Autosome to Y-chromosome

More Genetics Sex Determination QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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