Zoology Questions And Answers :: Embryology Fertilization: part1

Basic Science : Embryology Fertilization QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 1 to 5

Following Basic Science multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many types of 2024 job and other entrance examinations :

1.The fertilization membrane is formed by

The cortex of the cytoplasm
The fusion of cortical granules with inner surface of the membrane
The fusion of cortical granules with outer surface of the membrane
The fusion of inner surface of the membrane with the outer surface of the membrane

2.Fertilization cone is formed during the

Meeting of the gametes
Penetration of the sperm
Activation of the egg

3.Which causes the clumping of sperms over the egg surface

Anti fertilizing

4.The term amphimixis refers to the

Mixing of maternal and paternal cytoplasm
Joining of cell membranes of sperm and egg
Mixing of paternal and maternal chromosomes
Fusion of male centriole and female centriole

5.Perivitelline space is formed between

Cell wall and vitelline membrane
Plasma membrane and vitelline membrane
Plasma membrane and fertilization membrane
Fertilization membrane and vitelline membrane

More Embryology Fertilization QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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