Physics Questions And Answers :: Spectra And Optical Instruments Absorption: part1

Basic Science : Spectra And Optical Instruments Absorption QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 1 to 5

Following Basic Science multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many types of 2024 job and other entrance examinations :

1.Fraunhoffer lines are

continuous spectrum
emission lines in solar spectrum
absorption lines in solar spectrum
emission lines from chromospheres of the sun

2.The dark lines found in the solar spectrum are called

solar lines
Raman lines
Fraunhoffer lines
Stoke’s lines

3.Solar spectrum is an example of

continuous spectrum
absorption spectrum
line absorption spectrum
continuous absorption spectrum

4.The temperature of the Sun in the two regions, photosphere and chromospheres respectively are

6000°C and 10,000°C
6 million °C and 14 million °C
6000°C and 10 million °C
14 million °C and 6000°C

5.When white light is passed through dilute solutions of blood, it produces

band spectrum
line spectrum
band absorption spectrum
line absorption spectrum

More Spectra And Optical Instruments Absorption QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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