Physics Questions And Answers :: Nuclear Physics Nuclear Terms: part1

Basic Science : Nuclear Physics Nuclear Terms QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 21 to 25

Following Basic Science multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many types of 2024 job and other entrance examinations :

21.Nuclei of isotopes have same

atomic number
neutron number
mass number
mass deflect

22.Empirical formula for the nuclear radius R is

ro A1/3
ro1/3 A
(ro A)1/3
ro A

23.The atomic number Z, the neutron number N and the mass number A are related by

A – Z = N
A + Z = N
A + N = Z
2A= Z – N

24.The constituent particle in a nucleus are

protons and neutrons
electrons and protons
electrons and neutrons
electrons, protons and neutrons

25.Isotopes of the same element have

same number of protons and neutrons
same number of neutrons but different number of protons
same number of protons but different number of neutrons
same number of protons but different number of electron

More Nuclear Physics Nuclear Terms QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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