Biology Questions And Answers :: Systematics Viruses Viroids Prions: part2

Basic Science : Systematics Viruses Viroids Prions QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 6 to 10

Following Basic Science multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many types of 2024 job and other entrance examinations :

6.Generic name should be written as

First letter capital and double word
First letter small and double word
First letter capital and single word
First letter small and single word

7.Several genera resembling one another in their major anatomical and reproductive characters are placed together in


8.Species having many subspecies are


9.Biochemical taxonomy is based on

Study of chromosomes
Study of statistics
Study of proteins and serum
Experimental determination of genetic relationships.

10.Taxonomic category of `Order’ comes in between

Class and family
Kingdom and class
Family and genus
Phylum and class

More Systematics Viruses Viroids Prions QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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