Biology Questions And Answers :: Diversity Living World: part1

Basic Science : Diversity Living World QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 26 to 30

Following Basic Science multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many types of 2024 job and other entrance examinations :

26.Teleology is

Doctrine of purpose
Finding reason for a natural phenomenon
Finding God’s will in natural phenomena
All the above

27.Rhinoplasty is

Plastic surgery of nose
Plastic surgery of face
Surgery of pinna
Surgery of chest

28.Hypothesis is

Intelligent guess
Reasoned explanation
Based on previous knowledge
All the above

29.Which is true?

Theory is based on experiment while hypothesis is related to observation
Theory is related to observation while hypothesis is based upon experiment
Theory is an intelligent guess while hypothesis is related to observation
Theory is related to science while hypothesis is connected to theology

More Diversity Living World QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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