Arithmetic Questions And Answers :: Time Distance: part2

Time Distance QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: Arithmetic : part2 : 16 to 20

Following Time Distance multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many types of 2024 job and other entrance examinations :

16.A car travels a distance of 840 km at a uniform speed. If the speed of the car is 10km/hr more, if takes tow hours less to cover the same distance. The original speed of the care was:

45 km/hr
2 50 km/hr
60 km/hr
75 km/hr

17.Laxman has to cover a distance of 6 km in 45mintues, if he covers one half of the distance in rd time, what should be his speed to cover the remaining distance in the remaining time:

12 km/hr
16 km/hr
3 km/hr
8 km/hr

18.If a man takes 4 hours to cover a distance of 15km, how much time will be needed to cover 63 km at the same speed:

12hrs 36 min.
16hrs 48 min.
16hrs 4min.
15hrs 32min.

19.A speed of 55 m/sec, is the same as:

198 km/hr
11 km/hr
15 km/hr
275 km/hr

More Time Distance QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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