Government Jobs - NOTIFICATIONS

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Upsc-Assistant Store Officer in Indian Bureau of Mines

Upsc-Assistant Store Officer in Indian Bureau of Mines

Upsc-Assistant Store Officer in Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines. The post is Unreserved. The Post Suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right Or Left) (OL) Or One Arm Affected (Right Or Left) (OA).


  1. Educational: A Degree in Science or Commerce of a recognized University or equivalent.
  2. Experience: Two year's supervisory experience* in the field of material management in Central/State Government Department or in Public Sector/private sector concern of repute **(*Supervisory experience in defined as Any candidate of Central/State Government and other Undertakings having two years service in the grade pay Rs.2800/- in the pay scale of Rs.5200-20200/- and is well conversant with stores procedures. The candidates should have experience in the field of material management and is responsible for proper receipts, issue, maintenance and accounting of store and also responsible for maintaining day requirements of placing orders through local purchases or against RateContracts. In addition, should be able to arrange disposal of un-servisable stores after observing all procedural formalities a sper extant rule . OR Any candidate of private sector of repute having minimum monthly remuneration of RS.20000/- for last two years and is well conversant with stores procedures and holdins experience in the field of material management and is responsible for proper receipts, issue , maintenance and accounting of stores and also resposible for maintaining day to day requirements of placing order through local purchases or aginst Rate Contracts. In addition, should be able to arrange disposal of un-servicable stores after observing all procedural formalities as per extant rules.) **Private concern of repute is defined as an organization having a section/division etc. For material management with a cadre of minimum 25 employees excluding office boys/peon.
    Desirable: Post Graduate diploma in Material Management from a recognised University.


He is overall responsible for profer receipt, issue, maintenance and accounding of Stores. He will also be responsible for security of stores. he will resoponsible for meeting day to day requirement of all division by placing orders by placing orders against Rate Contract or by local purchase. He will arrange disposal of unsericeable stores after observing all procedural formalities.
HQ: Nagpur with liablity to serve anywhere India.

Important Dates

Closiong Date For Submission Of Onlie Recruitment Application(ORA) Through ORA Website is 23:59 HRS On 17.10.2013

The Last Date For Printing Of Completely Submitted Online Application is Upto 23:59 HRS On 18.10.2013

Age Limit

Not Exceeding 30 years for the post

Pay Scale

Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB-2)+Rs.4,600(Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.25,020/-), General Central Service, Group 'B' Gazetted, Non-Ministerial for the post

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