Aptitude Question Papers


261. Bricks are worth Rs. 750 per 1000 and their length, breadth and height 25 cm, 12.5 cm and 7.5 cm respectively. The cost of bricks requited to build a wall 200 m long, 1.8 m high and 37.5 cm thick, is :

Rs. 42600
Rs. 43200
Rs. 40750
Rs. 41860

262. The average height of 30 girls out of a class of 40 is 160 cms, and that of the remaining girls is 156 cms. The average height of the whole class is :

158 cms
158.5 cms.
159 cms
159.5 cms.

263. If 6 (A�s capital) = 8 (B�s capital) =10 (C�s capital), then the ratio of their capital is:


264. If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction, the fraction becomes If 1 is added to the numerator, the fraction becomes 1. The fraction is:

265. A trader owes a merchant Rs. 901 due 1 year�s hence. However, the trader wants to settle the account after 3 months. How much cash should he pay, if rate of interest is 8% per annum:

Rs. 870
Rs. 850
Rs. 828.92
Rs. 846.94

266. A sun of money, put at simple interest trebles itself in 15 years. The rate percent per annum is:

13 %
16 %
12 %

267. A leak in the bottom of a tank can empty the full tank in 6 hours. An inlet pipe fills water at the rate of 4 litres per minute. When the tank is full the inlet is opened and due to the leak the tank is empty in 8 hours. The capacity of the tank is:

5260 litres
5760 litres
5846 litres
6970 litres

268. The average weight of 8 men is increased by 2 kg when one of the men, whose weight is 50 kg is replaced by a new man. The weight of the new man is :

52 kg
58 kg
66 kg
68 kg

269.If A:B = 7:9 and B:C= 3.5, then A:B:C is:


270. The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs. 600 after 10 years. If the principal is trebled after 5 years. What will be the total interest at the end of the tenth years?

Rs. 600
Rs. 900
Rs. 1200
data inadequae
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.- Les Brown